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This pelastration approach is not contradictory to most basics of the Superstring theory and M-Brane theory.
(The essential difference is that the Kaluza-Klein approach contains in essence anti-unification elements.)

When we start from a MAMA-Brane which is unbreakable, and super-elastic (but has it's
limits in stretchability) then the Mama-Brane movements can self-create strings, which are thus parts of the brane.

The basic 'difference' to all previous scientific approaches is that the Brane (and following sub-branes) is unbreakable. That's essential.
Since the integrity of each system follows from the gravity membranea with separates and joins at the same time we come to this presentation:

The creation of a string can start on two levels: (1) starting via an outer bending of the Mama-Brane, or (2) starting via an inner bending of the Mama-Brane. (more).

This has implications on the further layering since the center tube will be different. (see layering paradoxes)

Essential is the possibility to couple parts of the Mama-Brane. This goes by complete penetrations (several types), called pelastrations. (Penetration + ELA + STRATION)

This new type of Branification approach explains the essential boundaries to understand 'gauge' levels of spin. Spin is thus caused by orientation or layer-history.

The essence of string theory: 'The subatomic particles we see in nature are nothing more than different resonances of the vibrating superstrings' is also respected in this approach. Resonances are however mechanical string-contacts, and not 'magic' fiels.

© Dirk Laureyssens, 2002/2003. All rights reserved.