I love to understand general principles and methodes, and to create things (bring ideas on the material level). I wrote about 260 patents and created a number of fine well-known educational puzzles (Happy Cubes and Cricro Puzzles, Snuzzles) and some original concepts in game-development. (interacting changeable dice and other gameparts). These puzzles reformulate in a very simple logic concept three-dimensional thinking and provoke mathematical skills. I am Master in Political and Social Sciences.
Now instead of creating puzzles I want to solve your puzzle: bring you the Unification Key ... and the Joy of Tunity.
I have some movies related to my holon theory on youtube. This is the link.
Recently I started to make paintings about the cosmic membrane and hundreds of holons on it's surface.
Thanks for visiting my website, and have a fine harmonic life!
Dirk Laureyssens (1950-2020) was an artist and inventor living in Antwerp, Belgium. Contact us at Creative City for more information about his intellectual legacy. |